AMBOSS (trial access until May 31, 2025)
Cognitive Science Society's Journal Archive
The database is temporarily unavailable due to technical reasons!
IGI Global Open Access Journals
IMISCOE (International Migration, International and Social Cohesion)
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics Access provided at the Library of Humanities for full text articles of 2015–2017
International Journal of Lexicography Access provided at the Library of Humanities for full text articles of 1996–2021
International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society Access to archive articles of 2020-2021 provided only for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Arts of the University of Latvia.
Internet Library of Early Journals
Izglītība un Kultūra Access provided only for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia at LUIS with login and pasword in the section Aktualitātes – Bibliotēkas
Journal of Arabic Literature Access to the archive of 2020 provided only for the students and academic staff at the Library of Humanities
Journal of Chemical Education Access provided only for the students and academic staff of the Fachulty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia. Difficulties with access may occur from July to August 2024!
Journal of Economics and Management Research
Journal of Open Access to Law (JOAL)
Jurista Vārds
Access provided only for the students and academic staff at the Library at Raiņa bulvāris
Kluwer Digital Book Platform
Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia by logging in with LUIS user name and password
Kluwer Law Journals Online
Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia by logging in with LUIS user name and password
Latvijas Intereses Eiropas Savienībā
Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Tiesas Biļetens
Latvijas standartu tiešsaistes lasītava
Latvijas Universitātes bibliotēkas publikācijas
Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls. Vēsture / Journal of the University of Latvia. History
Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls
Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas (LZA) Vēstis (A daļa)
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
Lippincott Open Access Journals
LR Centrālās Statistikas Pārvaldes datubāze
LU Akadēmiskā apgāda brīvpieejas izdevumi
MagnetoHydroDynamics Access provided at the Library of the House of Science and remotely (please request access by sending an e-mail to
New Journal of European Criminal Law
Nodokļu Likumu komentāri Access provided only at the Library at Raiņa bulvāris
Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science (ODLIS)
Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences
Open Library of Humanities (OLH)
Access provided only for the students, faculty and researchers of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia.
Osmikon: the Research Gateway to Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe
Overleaf Commons
Access provided only for the students, faculty and researchers of the UL Natural Sciences Faculties.
Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Business, Management, and Economics of the University of Latvia.
Physical Review Journals
Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry of the University of Latvia.
Pirmsskolā Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia
Politikas plānošanas informācijas sistēma (POLSIS)
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (Section B)