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Access to Statista is provided only for University of Latvia Faculty of Economics and Social sciences users.

Statista is an online platform that specializes in market and consumer data, offering statistics and reports, market insights, consumer insights and more. The data is regularly updated with the latest market information and is available in several languages such as English, German, Spanish and French. 

Statista collects information from 22,500 different sources, i.e. from government institutions, international organizations, market research institutes, trade journals. An international team of experienced analysts develops its own market models, conducts surveys and in-depth analysis, and uses it as the basis for forecasts and key figures for various markets and industries. In addition, information which has been obtained from the surveys that Statista collects itself is also available.

Users must create a personal account using their UL email.

Information on access and registering

Statista intro video

Statista product overviews (a playlist)

A presentation on Sustainability data in Market Insights

Statista consumer insights (a playlist)

Statista news archive

Article "Fact-based hope for 2024"


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