Date: October 25th

Time: 12.00 – 12.45 EEST

Place: ZOOM platform

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR (You will receive an email with the session details and the link to the online meeting room after registration.)

Language: English

Target audience: Latvian research and academic staff of the universities and research institutes, researchers, PhD students, authors of scientific publication, project participants of the Horizon Europe program, information specialists, librarians and other interested parties

Programma: Georgina Durowoju, Open Research Europe Content Acquisition Editor will talk about the Open Research Europe (ORE) platform, created thanks to the initiative of the European Commission. In this session attendees will learn about the unique publishing model utilized on Open Research Europe, as well as how to benefit from ORE post-publication open peer review and how to participate in open science. The multidisciplinary platform currently has over 270 publications, and has been accepted for indexation in Scopus, ERIH PLUS, Reaxys, Inspec, as well as awarded the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) seal.

More about ORE here