1st year students of the bachelor study programs and those on the 1st year of the master study programs whose bachelor’s degree wasn’t obtained at UL are invited to register to the Information System of the University of Latvia (LUIS).

Registration begins on September 12th. During your first visit to the Library, on presentation your student card to a librarian you will be given a user identification number. Bachelor’s program students (the 2nd year and higher) and the 1st year students of master study programs (if their bachelor’s  degree was obtained at UL) should submit their annual re-registration electronically in LUIS. Recommendations:
  • <link http: www.biblioteka.lu.lv home help>Guides and video tutorials will help you to acquire skills to use the <link https: kopkatalogs.lv f>Electronic union catalogue without assistance.
  • Informational support from Library specialists -<link http: www.biblioteka.lu.lv home contacts> Library consultant
  • <link http: www.biblioteka.lu.lv home about-library library-regulations>UL Library regulations
  • <link http: www.biblioteka.lu.lv home services price-list>Price list of fee-based services.
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