Library of UL provides the trial access to the Brill Publishing e-book collections of 2015 in Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy, as well as in European History and Culture until the 28th of December, 2018.

Brill online  is the digital platform of the Brill Publishing house. It was established in 1683 in Netherlands and generally focuses on the publications in Humanities and Social Sciences.  The Library of UL on the trial period provides the access to the following e-book collections of 2015: ·         Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy (102 titles); ·         European History and Culture (131 titles). Please note: the trial will only be available on the Brill online website. To simplify the access to the specific e-book publications, you are kindly invited to search by the title fixed in Excel files on the Brill online. Please use the Access Guide for a better understanding of the current e-book collections trial. The e-book collections are available in UL (Lanet) computer network until the 28th of December, 2018. Please take a chance to try the digital resource and let us know your opinion! Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of this resource for your studies and research. Please send your feedback  to  or pass it here.
