American Physical Society published leading international physics research journals in areas such as atomic, molecular, and optical physics, plasma physics, elementary particle physics, gravitation, cosmology etc. 10 journals are provided in trial access:
- <link http: journals.aps.org prl _blank>Physical Review Letters
- <link http: journals.aps.org rmp _blank>Review of Modern Physics
- <link http: physics.aps.org _blank>Physics
- <link http: journals.aps.org pra _blank>Physical Review A
- <link http: journals.aps.org prb _blank>Physical Review B
- <link http: journals.aps.org prc _blank>Physical Review C
- <link http: journals.aps.org prd _blank>Physical Review D
- <link http: journals.aps.org pre _blank>Physical Review E
- <link http: journals.aps.org prx _blank>Physical Review X
- <link http: journals.aps.org prapplied _blank>Physical Review Applied
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