In the framework of “Library week 2016 of the Library of the University of Latvia” the Library at Kalpaka Boulevard re-opens the exhibition “Treasures of the Library”, this time in a new scope - the most beautiful editions from the collection of Professor of the University of Latvia, zoologist-entomologist, Dr. Embrik Strand (1876-1947).

The epopee of “Treasures of the Library” began a year and a half ago with the launch of the first exhibition “5 Moments Short of a Century: Treasures of the Library”, which was shaped by the Library of the University of Latvia, together with the Academic Library of the University of Latvia. The joint exhibition displayed early books and items from the special collections of both libraries. It approved the conclusion that the intellectual treasures of our libraries deserve more attention and we should continue to introduce people to our accumulated cultural heritage. Therefore, half a year later, as part of “Library Week 2015 of the Library of the University of Latvia”, a replenished exhibition of  “Treasures of the Library” was offered as an old song with a new sound. Significantly, the 2015 Latvian Library Day slogan was “The one who is going to last is the one who is willing to change!” This year the content of the Treasures’ exhibition has changed completely, choosing as the central and only, character one of the coryphaeus of the University of Latvia - Professor Embrik Strand, whose 140th birthday will be this June. The library of Professor Embrik Strand is one of the special collections of the Library of UL and it contains a lot of editions that really befit a designation of treasures. Historically, a small part of the initially inseparable library of Professor Strand had come to the Academic Library of the University of Latvia (when it was the Fundamental Library of the Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences), so this new exhibition is, in some respects, a reunion of the library of Professor E. Strand in the show-cases of the exhibition at Kalpaka Boulevard 4.   Professor Embrik Strand, a scientist of Norwegian origin, started his work at the University of Latvia (at that time the Higher School of Latvia) in 1923, after leaving Berlin for Riga. He had already by then a wide library, as we can find the stamp “Bibliothek des Zoologen Embrik Strand (Berlin)” in many books. In later years there appeared the stamp “Bibliothek des Zoologen Prof. Dr. Embrik Strand. Riga”. Professor E. Strand himself has written more than a thousand articles and as an active scientist, he maintained contacts with many naturalists from all over the world, which considerably enhanced his chances to receive new publications. This exhibition displays editions from E. Strand’s collected library, whose main topics are zoology, entomology, arachnology and lepidopterology. Such a wide range of specific material can not be found in the libraries of any other arachnologist. Mostly there are typical small scientific publications and excerpts, but there is also plenty of illustrative material and the exhibition is shaped from the most attractive items of these, promising delight not only for intellect, but also for your eyes. Exposed colourful images of butterflies will not leave anybody indifferent and even spiders, when examined closely, can seem to become attractive. Illustrators of the natural science editions of the XVIIIth and XIXth century used to carry out their work carefully, particularly, in natural colours and these things can be evaluated personally by visiting the exhibition. The creators of the exhibition had an intent to especially display the earliest editions from E. Strand’s library, therefore  it is the most emphasized. This exhibition is created by the Library of the University of Latvia, in cooperation with the Academic Library of UL and the Museums of Botany and of Zoology of UL. Most of the books in this exhibition are from the Library of UL, but the Academic Library of UL has also shared its most valuable editions, adding not only ancient books, but handwritten materials, drawings and photos as well. We should also express our gratitude to the Museum of Botany of UL for photographs and especially, the Museum of Zoology of UL not only for photographs, but also for adding a brightness to this exhibition by their museum objects. The exhibition can be seen at the Library of Kalpaka Boulevard until November. Related news: Bibliotēku dārgumi vērtību joprojām nezaudē Bibliotēku dārgumu izstādes senā dziesma jaunās skaņās Iespēja atklāt Latvijas Universitātes bibliotēku krāšņākos dārgumus
